Right to Clean Air, Clean Water, and a Healthful Environment

You can vote Yes or No on this ballot proposal, which would amend the New York State Constitution.

What You Will See on the Ballot

The proposed amendment to Article 1 of the New York Constitution would establish the right of each person to clean air and water and a healthful environment. Shall the proposed amendment be approved?

Proposal Summary

This proposal would add the right to clean water, clean air, and a healthful environment to the New York State Constitution’s Bill of Rights. While the New York State Constitution does provide some protection to natural resources, New Yorkers themselves do not currently have an enforceable right to clean water, clean air, or a healthy environment.

If Ballot Question #2 Passes

  • The New York State Constitution’s Bill of Rights would be amended to include the right to clean water, clean air, and a healthful environment, which means the government cannot infringe on these rights.
  • Enshrining this right in the State Constitution would require lawmakers to consider the impact on clean water, clean air, and the environment when making decisions.
  • It would also allow New Yorkers to sue if they believe their rights to clean water, clean air, or a healthful environment are being violated.

Statements for and against the proposal

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Znajdź mój lokal wyborczy

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