Adds Certain Protections to the State Bill of Rights

Why is this proposal on the ballot?

Ballot proposal 1 is on the ballot this year because the New York State Legislature passed the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) in two consecutive legislative sessions. Now it is up to New Yorkers to directly vote on whether to amend the State Constitution.

What this proposal says:

Dodaje zapisy antydyskryminacyjne do Konstytucji stanu. Dotyczą one przynależności etnicznej, kraju pochodzenia, wieku, niepełnosprawności oraz płci, w tym orientacji seksualnej, tożsamości płciowej i ciąży. Dotyczą również reprodukcyjnej opieki zdrowotnej i autonomii.

Głos „TAK” oznacza wprowadzenie tej ochrony przed dyskryminacją do Konstytucji stanu Nowy Jork.

Głos „NIE” oznacza, że taka ochrona nie trafi do Konstytucji stanu.

What this proposal means:

The proposal adds protections to the State Constitution’s Bill of Rights to prohibit discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, origin, age, disability, and sex — including sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, and pregnancy outcomes. It would also protect New Yorkers who seek access to reproductive healthcare from discrimination on that basis.

Jeśli ta propozycja zostanie przyjęta:

New Yorkers would be protected under the law from discrimination based on these criteria.

Summary of Statements in Support of Ballot Proposal 1:

The CFB received 21 public comments supporting proposal 1. The comments focus on protecting against discrimination and safeguarding reproductive rights such as abortion, contraception, and in vitro fertilization in the New York State Constitution. The CFB received comments from the following organizations:

  • 1199SEIU
  • BKForge
  • Make the Road Action
  • New York Attorney General Letitia James
  • New York Civil Liberties Union
  • New York Immigration Coalition
  • New York Immigration Coalition: ACTION
  • New Yorkers for Equal Rights
  • Planned Parenthood Greater New York Action Fund
  • SEIU 32BJ
  • The League of Women Voters of New York
Summary of Statements in Opposition of Ballot Proposal 1:

The CFB received 22 public comments opposing Proposal 1. The comments focus on gender identity and its impact on various areas of public life and that Proposal 1 is overly vague, too broad, and misleading. The CFB received no comments from organizations.

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